流動戒指 Square whirling ring
NT$ 2,080.00
流動純銀長項鍊 silver whirling necklace
NT$ 2,200.00
貝殼珍珠手鍊 Shell and pearl bracelet
NT$ 2,250.00
圓流動戒指 Whirling ring
NT$ 2,500.00
心識 海/Soulful water ring
NT$ 2,750.00
小貝殼線戒 Mini shell wire ring
NT$ 1,200.00
貝殼Y字鍊 Y-Type shell necklace
NT$ 3,200.00
迷你貝殼珍珠戒指 Mini soulful water ring
NT$ 1,750.00
無人島的沙灘珍珠項鍊/The beach at the desert island necklace
NT$ 4,500.00
貝殼Y字鍊+珍珠 Y-Type shell necklace with pearl
NT$ 3,450.00
鸚鵡螺純銀長項鍊 silver nautilus shell necklace
心海貝殼純銀項鍊 marineheart necklace
NT$ 1,850.00
心海貝殼珍珠項鍊 marineheart necklace with pearls
NT$ 2,650.00
貝殼純銀長項鍊 silver shell necklace
蛤仔純銀長項鍊 silver clam shell necklace
小貝殼U型耳環 shaped shell earrings
NT$ 1,500.00
心海貝殼耳環 marineheart earrings
從NT$ 1,880.00 起
貝殼珍珠耳環 pearl earrings with shell
NT$ 1,450.00
珍珠耳環 pearl earrings
NT$ 520.00
Le vent01_ feather&sea earcuff
NT$ 1,730.00
Le vent01_feather & sea earrings
NT$ 1,830.00
Le vent01_sea spray earrings with feathers
NT$ 2,980.00
Le vent01_feather necklace
NT$ 1,940.00
Le vent01_feather ring A
NT$ 1,870.00
Le vent01_feather ring B
Le vent01_feather and sea spray necklace
Le vent01_feather&sea spray ring
NT$ 2,790.00
Le vent01_feather&sea ring
NT$ 2,730.00
NT$ 2,760.00
天鵝翅膀 | swan wings ring
NT$ 1,630.00
羽毛 | feather ring
NT$ 1,520.00
天鵝 | swan ring
NT$ 2,860.00
Adva ring 海浪戒指
天鵝湖 | swan lake ring
NT$ 2,580.00
Oceana Necklace 珍珠與牡蠣項鍊
NT$ 2,970.00